IGC Demonstration - A great launch!


It was a great start indeed!

Thanks to the 140 pilots who joined us to launch this initiative, during a one hour demonstration for the IGC delegates and the gliding community.

We have received a lot of questions during the live from the delegates and the spectators watching the race, and it’s been an absolute pleasure to talk about the project with Stefan Langer, from the German gliding team.. and world famous youtuber!

The Presidents of the FAI Airsports commissions were also watching this event to seize the opportunity to develop a similar eSports concept in their own sport. Livestreaming and eSports are fantastic tools to connect the community worldwide and to promote AirSports.

The preliminary results are available on Condor.Club but are still submitted to changes as we are still working with our partners to score the pilots with the proper penalities: https://www.condor.club/comp/globalscore/211/?&id=673

You can review the live with a deep presentation of the project, and the race commented by Stefan Langer and Antoine Havet below:


Virtual SGP rules published!


FAI Virtual Gliding launched