Race 2 - Madsen doing another masterclass!

Welcome to Race 2 of the Pro Championship!

Race 2 of the Pro Championship in the 1st FAI Virtual World Gliding Championship (VWGC) 2024 continued the excitement with a 235-kilometer course that took pilots across diverse terrain in Slovenia. The anticipation was high as the pilots prepared to tackle the second race, each aiming to improve their standings and showcase their skills.

Course and Weather Conditions

The race started from Murska Sobota, with the pilots navigating a course that included turnpoints at Slovenj Gradec, Podsreda, and a return to Murska Sobota. The weather conditions were characterized by an easterly wind at 24 km/h, providing moderate thermals and ridge lift opportunities. The cloud base was estimated to be around 1,700 meters, with pilots having to balance their altitude to stay within the maximum limit of 1,500 meters at the start.

Strategic Decisions at the Start

As the race began, pilots had to make quick strategic decisions. Some, like Tim Madsen, took a more direct route, while others opted for paths that promised better thermals. The initial climb was critical, and pilots like Madsen and Frank Schwerdtfeger quickly established themselves as frontrunners by finding strong lift and maintaining high speeds.

Mid-Race Dynamics and Tactical Moves

The mid-race phase saw a mix of tactical flying and strategic thermal use. Pilots like Jeroen Jennen and Felix Neuburger demonstrated strong performances by carefully managing their altitude and speed. Jennen, in particular, opted for a high-flying strategy, cruising at around 1,780 meters, which allowed him to maintain a steady lead over others who struggled to find consistent lift.

Challenging Terrain and Key Turnpoints

The transition from Turnpoint 1 to Turnpoint 2 was particularly challenging, with pilots navigating through rough terrain and variable lift conditions. The easterly winds pushed some pilots off course, but those who could harness the ridge lift along the valleys gained significant advantages. Pilots like Marcin May and Andrii Lohvynchuk executed precise maneuvers, climbing efficiently to stay ahead.

Exciting Finish and Tight Competition

The final leg was a true test of endurance and precision. Tim Madsen managed to maintain his lead, crossing the finish line first with a speed of 132.7 km/h. Frank Schwerdtfeger followed closely, demonstrating consistent performance throughout the race. The competition for third place was intense, with Jeroen Jennen narrowly securing the spot ahead of Felix Neuburger.

Race Analysis

Race 2 highlighted the importance of strategic altitude management and precise navigation. The pilots had to continuously adapt to changing conditions, making quick decisions to optimize their routes and speeds. The varying strategies employed by the top finishers showcased the depth of skill and experience in the field.

Looking Forward

With two races completed, the championship standings are beginning to take shape. Pilots will need to bring their best in the upcoming races, as the competition remains tight and the conditions unpredictable. Stay tuned for Race 3, where the pilots will face new challenges and continue their quest for the championship title.


Race 3 - Jennen and Rozak with a Crazy Finish!


Pro Championship Recap - Race 1 of the 1st FAI Virtual WGC 2024