Race 4 - Chappins Triumphs after Strong Racing in the Alps!

Good Evening and Welcome to Race 4 of the Pro Championship!

The fourth race of the Pro Championship in the 1st FAI Virtual World Gliding Championship (VWGC) 2024 tested the pilots' skills with a demanding 270-kilometer course. Set against the backdrop of the Italian and French Alps, this race was anticipated to be one of the most challenging yet, promising both strategic complexity and breathtaking views. We are flying again in 18m class, without wingloading limits, so we expect the pilots to fly with heavy loads of water!

Course and Weather Conditions

The race began from Levaldigi, with the route taking the pilots through turnpoints at Roche De Rame (near St-Crépin), Thorame-Haute, and Savigliano, before heading back to the finish at Cuneo. The weather conditions were set with a south-west wind at 18 km/h, providing moderate thermal activity and ridge lift opportunities. As usual, pilots had to carefully manage their altitudes, particularly given the maximum speed limit of 170 km/h for crossing the start line.

Strategic Decisions and Early Moves

As the race commenced, pilots quickly began making strategic decisions. The start saw a mix of aggressive tactics and cautious altitude management. Davis Chappins from the USA established an early lead, demonstrating a keen ability to find and utilize strong thermals. The ridge lines played a critical role, with pilots like Marcin May and Zoltan Varga leveraging these natural lifts to maintain their positions in the front. Two different groups were created in two parallel valleys. We are heading to the west, straight to the French border, and the main obstacle is the well-know Monviso/Mont-Viso located at 3841m!

Navigating the Terrain

The route was particularly challenging due to the varying terrain and changing wind conditions. Pilots had to navigate through rugged mountainous areas, with the first major turnpoint at Roche De Rame requiring precise flying. The windward sides of the mountains provided some relief, but the ever-changing conditions kept the pilots on their toes.

Mid-Race Dynamics and Tactical Adjustments

Throughout the race, pilots had to make continuous adjustments. The pilots had the opportunity to select some ridges to join the ‘Parcours’ towards Thorame’s outlanding field, the second turnpoint. The transition saw some pilots opting for higher altitudes to avoid weaker thermals at lower levels. Others, like Ben Fest and Tim Madsen, demonstrated excellent ridge flying, which allowed them to maintain high speeds while conserving energy.

The Final Stretch and a Dramatic Finish

The final leg of the race was filled with drama and excitement. Davis Chappins from the USA, who maintained his lead throughout, crossed the finish line first with an impressive speed of 170.3 km/h. Close behind him was Marcin May, followed by Zoltan Varga and Ben Fest, each demonstrating remarkable skill and endurance.

The competition for the top spots was fierce, with minimal differences in arrival times highlighting the high level of skill among the competitors. A particularly dramatic moment occurred when several pilots, including Witold Rozak and Sean Churchill, found themselves in a tight battle for positions, showcasing the intensity and competitive spirit of the championship.

Race Analysis

Race 4 was a testament to the pilots' adaptability and strategic thinking. The challenging course and variable conditions required a blend of tactical altitude management, precise navigation, and optimal use of ridge lift. Davis Chappins' victory highlighted his ability to stay ahead through consistent performance and strategic decisions in a difficult environment… indeed, the Alps are always challenging!

Looking Forward

With four races now completed, the championship standings are becoming more defined. Pilots will need to continue bringing their best strategies and flying skills to the remaining races, as the competition remains tight and unpredictable. Stay tuned for Race 5, where new challenges await and the quest for the championship title continues. Marcin May still leads the Championship with an impressive total of 3468 points, followed by Tim Madsen (2841pts) and Jeroen Jennen (2617 pts).


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